Sketchy Weather

Sketch your life,
be happy as a child!


You will always know the current weather condition and the temperature.


You will always be notified of the loss of bluetooth connection. Also an icon of discharged battery always remind you that it is time to charge the watch.


A large number of configurations will be available to you that can be changed at any time.

Everyone loves childhood.

One day I looked at the drawing of my niece and I realized that it makes me smile. I thought, why not do so that children's drawings were always next to us, for example on the clock. Thus began this project.

Watchface Features

Current Weather

Weather in your current location will be displayed automatically.

Custom Location

Displaying weather of custom location can be set in settings.


Displaying temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius as you decide.


Forecast for the next 2 days can be shown on shake.

Weather Servers

There is 2 weather servers: YahooWeather and OpenWeatherMap. Preferable can be set in settings.


You can select background color - Black or White as you prefer.

Bluetooth Icon

You can set to display bluetooth icon always, on disconnect or never.

Bluetooth Status

You will be always notified by vibration of the bluetooth disconnection.


You will always know today's date and day of week.


Time in 12h or 24h format automatically set based on your watch's preference.


Humidity is a significant parameter for some people and regions. It can be shown on shake.

Battery Icon

You can set to display battery charge always in settings.

Battery Status

You will always be notified by icon that it's time to charge your watch and during charge process.

Do Not Disburb

You can turn on do not disturb mode in settings and set hours of silence.

Hourly Vibration

You can turn on hourly vibration in settings.

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Contact Me

Get in touch

Need something? Bug report? Feature request? Contact me, don't be shy. I reply to everybody.


This project is entirely free. I'll be grateful for the donation. Doesn't matter how much.
